sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era

Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era
4th International conference of the series
DNA polymorphisms in human populations

Rome, December 3–5, 2009


In the past twenty years molecular anthropology has had an increasing role in the wider context of physical anthropology, of which it became one of the most rapidly growing and promising sectors (primate phylogeny, population history, world human migrations, adaptation).

Molecular anthropology has also moved beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. We will just cite the investigations of any possible parallelism between cultural and genetic differentiation of human societies and the genetic study of complex diseases. In the medical frame of association studies, several scholars are investigating the genetic structure of human populations and their demographic history to design more appropriate samples. Further and more recent developments concern pharmacogenetic studies aimed at developing more effective drugs.

In recent times, it has been increasingly difficult to maintain the holistic approach that has inspired molecular anthropology in last decades. If, on the one hand, there is the need to foster multidisciplinary collaborations (with genetic epidemiologists, archaeologists, primatologists, etc), on the other hand the increasing amount of discovered polymorphisms requires a methodological and theoretical update that pushes towards hyper specialization.


The structure of the meeting is to present state-of-art research continent by continent since, as a matter of fact, the research of many colleagues is geographically focused. Our objective is to contribute examples and ideas that will drive further integration of molecular anthropology and other research fields and disciplines. Particular attention will be given to the impact of new analytical methods but also, and more traditionally, to updated and comprehensive syntheses about human diversity since browsing the ever growing literature requires an enormous time that acts as a barrier among specialists of different areas.

The last day will be devoted to human evolutionary research in an interdisciplinary frame. Theories and approaches will be discussed in a challenging way by putting face-to-face molecular anthropologists and experts from other disciplines. We are putting much energy in organizing this latter session since we wish to emphasize the dangers of the hyper specialization mentioned above.

Programme & speakers
December 3, 2009

Opening lecture by Mark Jobling (UK) “Molecular anthropology in the genomic era“.
December 4, 2009
Session 1: The peopling of Africa
(keynote lecture by Jorge Rocha, Portugal)
Session 2: The peopling of America and Asia
(keynote lectures by Connie Mulligan, USA and Martin Richards, UK)
December 5, 2009
Session 3: The peopling of Europe
(keynote lecture by John Novembre, USA)
Session 4: “Molecular anthropology in the genomic era”
Speakers: Quentin Atkinson (UK); Guido Barbujani (Italy); Mark Collard (Canada); David Comas (Spain); Claudio Franceschi (Italy)

OrganizersFranz Manni, PhD
Giovanni Destro-Bisol, PhD
Scientific committee
Chiara Batini, PhD (coordinator)
Paul Verdu, PhD
Cristian Capelli, PhD
Andres Moreno-Estrada, PhD
Oscar Lao, PhD

Call for abstracts
From September 21, 2009 to November 1, 2009
To submit
download the form and send it by email to manni@mnhn.fr


Registration will start in November
(Students 120 Euros; Academics 170 Euros)

Franz Manni, PhD (

web oficial

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